
New AI-partnership with Cognia Technology

Swipload partners with Cognia Technology to leverage AI.

New AI-partnership with Cognia Technology
Thomas Bergstøl

Cognia Technology specializes in providing fleet management tools to various stakeholders within the transport-, construction- and contracting industries. Their tools collect various forms of mobility data, aiding users in achieving greener and more efficient utilization of their vehicle fleets.

Through the new partnership with Cognia Technology, Swipload gains access to anonymized data that will enhance their focus on providing AI-driven user functionalities.

- We want to empower our users to make more environmentally-friendly carrier choices. This involves not only providing insights on availability, but also to use environmental data as a driving force behind carrier decisions, explains Swipload CEO Stian Vere.

- Which carriers operate the most efficiently? Knowing such information before making carrier choices allows for a greater consideration of environmental factors as the deciding factor, says Kim Finkenhagen, CEO of Cognia Technology.

- Swipload's primary clients are shippers. Through this collaboration, we will have the opportunity to get closer to these stakeholders, which is a strategic focus for us, he notes.

Elevated reporting requirements 

The partnership aims to let shippers make more informed decisions when choosing services from top-ranked carriers. Cognia Technology's solutions assess transport companies, including their eco-friendly practices.

The intention is for the collaboration to possibly expand further in the future.

- We've had a promising start and have set an exciting plan for the near term. As we continue this partnership, I'm confident that additional opportunities may arise, says Finkenhagen.

Finkenhagen believes the partnership will contribute to the professionalization of the industry.

- This involves aspects such as reporting, transparency laws, and the 'CSRD' (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). These EU directives will require large companies and shippers to gain more insight into the supply chains they deal with.

- This is about acquiring crucial information. To achieve this, data exchange and presentation to Shippers are essential. The collaboration between us and Swipload will streamline this process.

Will impact smaller companies

How will such reporting requirements affect regional and local carriers?

- We believe that ultimately, even smaller carriers will be subject to these requirements. In the future, they may risk losing contracts due to insufficient environmental reporting and an inability to demonstrate eco-friendly practices.

- Competition will intensify, and costs will rise. In order to make well-founded decisions and maximize profits, one must consider the logistics and driving patterns of their drivers as part of their fleet management systems.

- That's why the future demands new concepts beyond what we have today. Here, Swipload is at the forefront with their new modular shipper transport concepts, concludes Finkenhagen.

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