MOdules and functionality

Move over Excel and Outlook!
Theres a new sheriff in town...

BOOKING management

Streamline and simplify your freight order and Carrier booking management

Swipload offers a new daily workflow tool for transport- and logistics teams in the aquaculture, concrete and buildings industries:

Create and Edit freight orders

Seamlessly create freight orders in Swipload or through integration with your ERP or WMS system. Manage deviations, communications, attachments and shipment status, plus more, all in one place.

Send Bookings to Carriers

Distribute freight orders to your preferred Carriers in a real-time updated delivery calendar - either through Carrier TMS integration or the native Swipload Carrier Account setup.  

All bookings - Easily accessible

Every freight order is easily accessible cross team, cross departments, with automated timeline tracking of freight order events and a no-limit archive storage for all uploaded attachments. Your team of transport planners or freight forwarders no longer work in isolation.

Flexibility at the Core

Daily transport planning and management of logistics come with alterations, edits, adjustments and updates. Swipload is built to ease and facilitate every day changes on a shared digital surface with your Carrier and your receiving customer.

Multi-format Carrier bookings

Sometimes you ask your Carrier for a price. Sometimes you book based on pricelists. Sometimes you don`t know the price until after delivery. No worries, as Swipload supports all forms of price registrations.

Connect your external Carrier Network

Invite and register your Carrier network in Swipload. Set up specific automations to each Carrier, register contracts, automate invoice and payments flow, and simplify your freight order administration.

Data analysis

Insights and Environmental Impact Analysis

Every day, all action points from your transport operation provide valuable feedback. We gather and compile this data, to support transport planning and freight forwarding teams gain clarity and insights into their own operations. 

Analyze transport costs

Weekly, monthly or yearly

Extract CO2 emissions

Per carrier, delivery or time period

Project management

Automated Project Management

Save time on redundant work with Swipload's automation. Automate project reports, contact points with carriers, and receive tracking notifications for better coordination.

Automate project reports

Extract full reports directly

Automate tracking notification

Give construction sites updates continuously


Store and manage transport contracts

Use Swipload to store and manage your Carrier contracts. Automate payment flow to Carriers, and pull updated freight cost information to your ERP.

Invoice verification

No need for additional verification

Automated freight price reconciliation

Simplify administration and reduce invoice verification


Full integration for ERP, WMS and other TMS systems

Integrate with your ERP to automate freight order creation. Distribute preferred information to carriers through Swipload's digital interface or via TMS integration. Retrieve essential information and status updates back to your ERP system.


AI-based Spot market Quoting

Choose your Freight Orders to share with Spot, and let Swipload automatically generate quotes to selected Carriers registered with Swipload. Let AI guide you to make more informed freight choices based on average rates or availability. Connect, build and extend your Carrier Network.

Invoice verification

No need for additional verification

Automated freight price reconciliation

Simplify administration and reduce invoice verification

Other functionalities


All freightorders archived, with every message and every action point.


Send and receive messages to and from colleagues, and send and receive messages to Carriers.
Communication re-invented.

Document and Attachments upload

Connect documents to your Freight Order, or use upload in realtime to Carriers through Messenger.

Proof of Delivery (POD)

Let Carriers sign for Pickup, Delivery and Deviations through the Swipload mobile signature functionality, or pull signatures from Carrier TMS. Realtime status updates in Calendar.

Freight documents and Bill of lading

All freight orders are made available for print.

Frequently asked questions

How does the Swipload platform work, and who is it designed for?

Swipload is a cloud-based system platform for Shippers designed to support daily transport planning and transport execution management. The platform solution is specifically tailored to roles such as transport planners, freight forwarders and similar/other logistics personnel.

Swipload provides Shippers with a user-friendly, intuitive, and powerful support tool for their daily work in executing transport operations.

The platform offers a range of different modules, from basic freight order management to more complex functionality such as handling carrier contracts and streamlining invoice flow and payments.

Swipload is particularly well-suited for entities in industries such as concrete, steel, building materials, manufacturing, timber, agriculture, fishery and similar.

Swipload connects the Shipper transport-team, their network of Carriers and the customer/receiver of goods in a single, streamlined digital surface.

Can Swipload offer digital freight documents?

Yes, Swipload creates digital freight documents.

The documents can be printed if needed.

What is required to start using Swipload?

Using Swipload only requires a computer or smartphone with an internet connection.

What do Shippers need to install, download or purchase for hardware to use Swipload?

Using Swipload does not require any downloads, installations, or additionalhardware.

Talk to Swipload Sales, Support or Administration

Book a platform Tour, order a Carrier user account or ask us any questions.